Image Source:- Testo India
Thermal imagers are cameras that capture an object's image with the help of infrared radiation that is emitted from the object. The process is called thermal imaging. These cameras are helpful in many applications. Let's check them out!
What are some applications of thermal imagers?
A thermal imager is:
• Used for preventive maintenance, production, power generation, and transmission.
• Used to take thermal images of buildings.
• Used as digital cameras to discover thermal anomalies during electrical or mechanical maintenance
• Used in quality assurance to ensure that products leaving the production line are at the expected temperature.
• Used to analyze thermal processes during research & development
• Used monitor any mechanical and electrical equipment
• Used to detect thermal bridges and defects
• Used in Building inspection to identify potential areas of mold contamination, among other tasks.
• Used in research and development to ensure prototypes and test products stay within a safe temperature range